The Natural Habitat of Calumma parsonii


It is defined by some of the most competent people like this (IUCN):


Rabearivony et al. (2008) found Parson's chameleon in low abundance in a lowland forest in the northeast. Glaw and Vences (2007) report that Calumma p. cristifer is regularly found on high branches. Glaw and Vences (2007) report that this species is frequently seen along forest streams, although Brady and Griffiths (1999) suggest that only hatchlings are associated with water. It is reportedly difficult to find during the austral winter in northern Madagascar (Andreone et al. 2000). In captivity, 20-30 eggs are buried and hatch after 400-520 days. This species, the world's largest chameleon by weight, might be very long lived for a chameleon, with ages of six years recorded and 10-12 expected. Captive specimens may live somewhat longer, with ages of at least 14 recorded (in one case, an animal of this age died prematurely due to an equipment failure), and a maximum longevity of 20 years has been suggested (R. Jenkins and C.V. Anderson, pers. comms. June 2011). Sexual maturity may be reached as early as 1.5 years (LeBerre 1995), but Brady and Griffiths (1999) noted reports from captive chameleons that three to five is more likely.

The extent to which this species requires intact humid forest remains unresolved; while evidence suggests that it is more abundant in less disturbed forest (Brady and Griffiths 1999, Raxworthy 1988) it is also found in disturbed sites (Brady and Griffiths 1999, Glaw and Vences 2007), including high trees in villages (F. Rabemananjara pers. comm. June 2011)."

What does it mean?

We know almost nothing.
The animals live predominantly in the canopies of high trees in primary forests.
There is not any single photo known to depict these giants meaningfully and realistically in their natural biotope.
All "natural" photos and videos even in NatGeo and good naturalistic films are done either when animals are taken down or in the secondary or tertiary environments, ich which they forcefully try to survive now, after their primary biotope has been cut down and burnt mercilessly.

My dear friend, Sergii Prokopief from Kharkiv, Ukraine, has spent several months researching all the records of distribution of C. parsonii in Madagascar. He made a film about them. He will show it step by step and we will get access to it.

It is an Armageddon.
We very likely see the process of extinction of such a beautiful animal before we have actually got an idea how they live and who they are...

Therefore, the work of our group, is so immensely important...

There are options, but they cost money...

What you say?

Author: Petr Nečas