The Vivarium Magazine and the spread of ''Herpetoculture''
The renowned author and herpetoculturist, Philippe de Vosjoli, gives us a discussion of the history and evolution of the hobby, the first appearance of the term "Herpetoculture," and the influences and events that led to the creation of The Vivarium magazine and the American Federation of Herpetoculturists (AFH). The Vivarium Magazine was, and still is to this day, considered the gold standard of herpetocultural publications, which was one of the inspirations of the Responsible Herpetoculture Journal and the values that RHP strives to continue.
Captive Care of the Greater Siren
Phillip Tomaschke, a private herpetoculturist from the USA, provides us with a detailed description of the herpetoculture of the greater siren (Siren lacertina). Beginning with a discussion of the species in the wild, Mr. Tomaschke discusses the enclosures and water quality management, care and feeding techniques he uses to successfully maintain and reproduce this large and fascinating species of salamander.
Kameleon: An Example of Responsible Herpetoculture at a Retail Herp Shop (Tilberg, The Netherlands)
Founder of The Herpetofauna Foundation in The Netherlands, Rogier van Rossem discusses the exotic pet shop "Kameleon" that he has been involved with for many years, starting in childhood as a customer, and later as an owner. Founded in 1981, Kameleon is one of the first such establishments of its kind in the Netherlands, which has grown and is still operating and thriving today. Following principles held in common with RHP, Kameleon specializes only in captive bred reptiles and amphibians, along with all of the supplies needed for proper diet, caging and enrichment for these animals. One of the many services provided includes custom, in house-built enclosures, designed in collaboration with the customer's interests, needs, and more importantly, the wellbeing of the inhabitants in mind.
Husbandry and Breeding of the Leopard Rat Snake
Ivan Neizhko, a private breeder from Ukraine describes his nearly decade long experiences with the herpetoculture of leopard snakes (Zamenis situla). Providing information on how to successfully maintain and reproduce this species, Ivan hopes that more herpetoculturists will be encouraged to work with this species, and solidify its place in herpetoculture.
Herping with H.E.R.P: Expedition Morocco
In addition to hosting an array of beautiful landscapes and fascinating cultures, Morocco is among the most herpetologically diverse regions in North Africa, yet is close enough to Europe that travel there is relatively easy to accomplish. With the primary goal of observing the maximum number of herp species with their team and clients, Bryan Minne and Laura Ruysseveldt from the Herpetological Education & Research Project (H.E.R.P.) have been organizing annual expeditions to Morocco since 2015. In addition to enjoying the sights and observing the rich diversity of herp species, their trips have one more crucial role to play, to save as many animals as possible from an unexpected, but number one threat within these habitats.
A Look at the Future of Terraristics (Herpetoculture): The Benefits of Herpetoculture as a Teaching and Conservation Tool in German Schools
Leandro Bergmann, a private breeder and nature conservationist, and one of RHP's experts discusses the ever-present cultural challenges to herpetoculture, and describes a successful program that he developed to encourage and assist schools in Germany on the use and management of herpetoculture as a teaching and conservation tool in a classroom setting. He provides examples of the positive effects on the students, and how the program engenders an interest and sense of wonder in the natural world that seems to be disappearing in younger generations.
Keeping and breeding of blue-nosed chameleon
Michael J Nash, Ph.D, shares his experience in husbandry of Calumma linotum – another great chameleon species from Madagascar. In this work the useful tips on basic care and breeding approaches are highlighted.
Diagnosis and Management of Nematodal Stomatitis in a Captive Group of Leaf-tailed Geckos
Scott J Stahl DVM, Oleksii Marushchak, and Anastasiia Marushchak present a paper that describes a case of stomatitis in a captive group of leaf-tailed geckos at the BION facility that was caused by a nematode infestation. Dr. Stahl and team describe the methods used to identify the pathogen, and determine a treatment and management regimen that resulted in the elimination of the parasites, and the subsequent recovery of the animals. It is their hope that this paper can serve as a tool for other herpetoculturists and veterinarians to help diagnose and treat this and similar conditions.
Care and Propagation of the Common Monkey Lizard
Private herpetoculturist and RHP expert from California USA, Roy Arthur Blodgett, provides a detailed account of the natural history, maintenance and breeding of the common monkey lizard (Polychrus marmoratus). The information presented is based on his experience working with the species, along with information shared by fellow breeders working with the species. Subjects covered include acclimation, how to set up and maintain proper environmental conditions, diet, breeding and raising of the resulting offspring.
Discussing the Care and Breeding of Lehmann's Poison Frog with Ross Dacre
Ross Dacre, a private breeder, UK discusses the history of dendrobatid frogs, and in particular, Lehmann's poison frog (Oophaga lehmanni) in captivity, and the evolution of techniques in their care. He then goes on to describe his specific efforts to acquire, raise, maintain and ultimately reproduce this beautiful species in captivity in hopes that it will become established in the hobby in the UK and elsewhere to the benefit of both herpetoculturists, and the species itself in the wild.
Cohabitation: Development of a Mixed Guatemalan Species Exhibit at Antwerp Zoo
Sam Aneca, the reptile, amphibian and arthropod keeper at Zoo Antwerpen in Belgium describes how he turned a chance receipt of a small group of female Motagua spiny tailed iguanas transferred from another zoo into an opportunity to create a new and dynamic type of exhibit at the zoo. Realizing that the zoo already had other species of reptiles from the same general region where the new iguanas occur in the wild, they decided to experiment with a themed exhibit where they could display multiple species from the same region and general habitat type in the same enclosure, and how they designed this enclosure with each species needs in mind.
Interview with Tom Crutchfield
In this article, RHP's own Philippe de Vosjoli interviews the world-famous dealer and herpetoculturist Tom Crutchfield, who shares his views on "conservation through commercialization", cognition in reptiles, and the need for larger enclosures and more humane care of giant reptiles.
Keeping and Breeding the Narrow-bridged Musk Turtle (Claudius angustatus)
Author, scientific researcher, and private herpetoculturist, Stephan Ettmar, from Austria shares his account of the herpetoculture of the Narrow-bridged Musk Turtle from Mexico and parts of Central America. He describes his first discovery of the species, and the efforts he embarked on to care for and reproduce this beautiful, rewarding, and entertaining species.
The main role of RHP is to become a public relations and educational platform that will protect the interests of herpetoculture both as hobby and industry.
The RH Journal is the official bimonthly publication of RHP the Responsible Herpetological Project (RHP). The President of the RHP is Philippe de Vosjoli, the person who created herpetoculture as a philosophy and a kind of zooculture and was the publisher of "The Vivarium" magazine