Trioceros werneri

Photo Ezra Mremi, coirtesy Joseph Mboya, Mkingu forest reserve, Nguru Mts., Tanzania

courtesy Stephen Zozaya, Udzungwa Mountains, TZ

 courtesy Petko Dvorak, Mufindi, TZ 

Chagongwe, Tanzania, courtesy pius_mollel
Chagongwe, Tanzania, courtesy pius_mollel
KIlosa, Tanzania, courtesy neomorphus
KIlosa, Tanzania, courtesy neomorphus
Chagongwe, Tanzania, courtesy pius_mollel
Chagongwe, Tanzania, courtesy pius_mollel

Mvomero, Tanzania, photo ardgard
Mvomero, Tanzania, photo ardgard
Mvomero-Maskati, Tanzania, chemp
Mvomero-Maskati, Tanzania, chemp
Maskati, Tanzania, photo jvl
Maskati, Tanzania, photo jvl

Trioceros werneri is a species distributed on isolated mountains in Tanzania.

Each of the local forms represent in fact species in statu nascendi and should be very likely described as separate species...

Type locality: Maschona-Gebiet, later corrected to Uzungwa Mts, Uhehe, Tanzania. (T.w. s.str.)

Ufipa Plateau

Uluguru Mts.

Nguru Mts.

Rubeho Mts.