Chameleon plants

There are several plants that are independent species referred to as "Chameleon" due to their ability to change colors or display a variety of hues.
Chameleon Plant - Houttuynia cordata

Houttuynia cordata, commonly known as Chameleon Plant, is an herbaceous perennial plant native to East Asia. It is well-known for its distinctive heart-shaped leaves, which are beautifully variegated with colors ranging from green to red, pink, orange, and yellow. The plant produces small white flowers in summer and spreads rapidly, making it an excellent ground cover or accent plant for garden borders and ponds.
The name "Chameleon Plant" is attributed to the plant's remarkable ability to change color throughout the growing season. The leaves of Houttuynia cordata can undergo color variations in response to different environmental conditions such as sunlight, temperature, and soil moisture. This color-changing characteristic gives the plant a chameleon-like quality, as it can exhibit different hues and patterns, creating an attractive and dynamic visual display in the garden.
In addition to its ornamental value, Houttuynia cordata has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for its medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects. It is also cultivated for culinary purposes in some Asian countries, where its leaves are used in salads, soups, and teas due to their unique flavor profile.
The Chameleon Rose

As its name suggests, the colours of Chameleon shift as this rose ages- from yellow through to pinks and reds. Growing en-masse, this incredibly healthy and hardy bush gives the effect of a bright rainbow rose.
Chameleon Rose has been a long-time favourite patio rose since its origins in the mid 1990s and is characterised by its ability to change flower colour as the blooms age. Starting from a gorgeous, bright yellow bud, the flower moves gracefully through tones of yellow, red, pink and finally, a blend of rosy pink and white petals. this ageing characteristic means there's always something interesting happening on the bush. expect flowering to commence in spring and continue to produce blooms though to autumn.
Chameleon is a long-lived, compact, hybrid rose growing to around 60cm in height. It has a busy habit with bright green foliage which contrasts well against the multiple flower colours. Chameleon is well suited to both pots and gardens and they look wonderful when planted in multiples. Chameleon Rose's blooms are only lightly perfumed so choose to grow Chameleon for its spectacular floral display. Chameleon definitely enhances any cut flower bouquet.
Chameleon plant = Chamaecyparis obtusa "Nana Aurea"

Chamaecyparis obtusa "Nana Aurea," commonly known as Chameleon plant, is a captivating and versatile ornamental shrub that adds a dynamic presence to any garden or landscape. This dwarf variety of the Hinoki cypress family boasts striking golden-yellow foliage that stands out amidst greenery, creating a visually appealing contrast. The name "Chameleon" aptly describes this plant's characteristic ability to change color throughout the seasons, transitioning from bright golden hues in spring to deeper shades of yellow and green in summer and autumn. Its adaptable nature and visually transformative qualities make it a true chameleon in the garden setting.
Chameleon Plant" - Hoya carnosa 'Krinkle Kurl'

Hoya carnosa 'Krinkle Kurl' is a unique variety of the Hoya carnosa, also known as the wax plant or Hindu rope plant, characterized by its distinctive twisted and curled leaves. The Hoya carnosa 'Krinkle Kurl' is popular for its visually interesting foliage and its ability to thrive indoors as a houseplant, adding a touch of whimsy and charm to any indoor space.
It is called the "Chameleon Plant" due to its unique and engaging quality of changing its appearance throughout its growth cycle. The plant's leaves have a chameleon-like ability to adapt their shape and characteristics, resembling the ever-changing nature of a chameleon. As the plant matures, its leaves develop distinct twists and curls, creating a visually dynamic and intriguing display. This transformative quality of the Hoya carnosa 'Krinkle Kurl', where its leaves vary in shape and appearance, much like the color-changing abilities of a chameleon, inspired its fitting common name, the "Chameleon Plant".
Chameleon Plant - Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Chameleon'

This plant is more commonly referred to as coleus and is admired for its vibrant and colorful foliage. The 'Chameleon' cultivar of coleus showcases a wide range of striking hues, including shades of green, pink, red, purple, and yellow on its leaves. Its ability to change colors and patterns depending on light conditions and environmental factors is reminiscent of the adaptable nature of a chameleon, hence earning it the name "Chameleon Plant." Coleus 'Chameleon' is a popular choice for adding a pop of color to gardens, borders, or containers due to its visually appealing foliage.
Chameleon Iris - Iris pallida 'Variegata'

This iris cultivar is prized for its stunning variegated foliage and fragrant purple flowers. The term "Chameleon" is often used to describe this plant due to its ability to change colors with the seasons and lighting conditions. The Iris pallida 'Variegata' features long, sword-shaped leaves with creamy-white and green stripes, providing a striking contrast in the garden landscape even when not in bloom.
When the plant flowers, it produces beautiful, fragrant blooms in shades of violet, lavender, or purple, adding to its allure and appeal. The dynamic foliage and colorful blooms of the Chameleon Iris make it a sought-after choice for garden borders, containers, or naturalizing in garden beds.
If you're interested in adding a touch of color and elegance to your garden with a plant that exhibits color changes and versatility, the Chameleon Iris (Iris pallida 'Variegata') could be a fantastic option to consider.
Bugleweed / Carpet Bugle - Ajuga reptans
Ajuga reptans is a versatile perennial ground cover native to Europe but widely cultivated in gardens worldwide. This low-growing plant features glossy, scalloped leaves in shades of green, bronze, or purple, and produces dense spikes of blue, purple, or pink flowers in spring. Known for its adaptability to various growing conditions, Ajuga reptans thrives in both sun and shade, making it a popular choice for garden borders, rock gardens, and woodland landscapes.

In antiquity, Ajuga reptans earned the moniker "chameleon plant" due to the color-changing properties of its leaves. Depending on factors like light exposure and soil conditions, the foliage of Ajuga reptanscan shift in hue from green to bronze or purple, mirroring the color-changing abilities of the chameleon.
While Ajuga reptans is prized for its ornamental qualities and ground-covering abilities, it's important to note that all parts of the plant are considered toxic if ingested. The presence of toxic compounds, such as glycosides and alkaloids, can cause gastrointestinal distress if consumed by humans or animals. As such, care should be taken when planting Ajuga reptans in areas frequented by children or pets, and it's advisable to wear gloves while handling the plant to avoid skin irritation.
While the term "Chameleon" is commonly used to describe plants with color-changing or variegated features, the specific cultivar names can vary across plant species. Here is a list of some plants with cultivars named "Chameleon" or similar names known for their color-changing characteristics:
Hemerocallis 'Chameleon / Golden, Pink, Copper, Purple, Lily Garden, Clever, Striped, Carnelian' (Daylily) - A daylily cultivars with flowers that change color throughout the day.
Agave desmettiana 'Chameleon' - A succulent plant with leaves that change color with sun exposure.
Phlox 'Chameleon' - A type of phlox with variegated foliage that changes hues.
Aglaonema 'Chameleon' - An indoor plant with leaves that change color based on light conditions.
Heuchera 'Chameleon' (Coral Bells) - A cultivar of Coral Bells known for its colorful foliage that may change hues throughout the season.
Dracaena marginata 'Tricolor' or 'Chameleon' - A variety of Dracaena marginata with multicolored leaves that can change with conditions.
Salvia chamelaeagnea 'Chameleon Plant' - A variety of Salvia with colorful flowers or foliage.
Philodendron 'Prince of Orange' or 'Philodendron Chameleon' - A Philodendron cultivar with striking orange or bronze-colored new leaves that mature to green.
Euphorbia dulcis 'Chameleon' - A type of Euphorbia plant with variegated foliage that may change color in response to light and temperature variations.
Hosta 'Regal Chameleon', 'Karma Chameleon'- Hosta cultivars known for its variegated leaves that can display a range of colors, from greens to creams and sometimes even hints of pink or yellow
Syngonium podophyllum 'Chameleon' - A Syngonium cultivar with variegated leaves that exhibit color changes as the plant matures.
Codiaeum variegatum 'Chameleon' (Croton) - A Croton cultivar with colorful, variegated leaves that can feature shades of red, orange, yellow, and green.