Trioceros sp. Volcanoes

Steve Spawls: Rwenzori Side-striped Chameleon, Trioceros rudis. Part of a 'double' complex, originally regarded as a subspecies of the Chamaeleo bitaeniatus group, then changed to Chamaeleo rudis, from the crater highlands and the Albertine Rift, and now even more narrowly defined (those from the crater highlands and some from the Albertine Rift have been elevated out of its synonymy) as a species of the Albertine Rift highlands, from Bujumbura north to the northern Rwenzori (but also in the Imatong Mountains in South Sudan, although that group will probably be redefined soon...)

Petr Necas: IMHO not conspecific with real T. rudis from the Ruwenzori Mts