Panther Chameleons In Focus Of Responsible Herpetoculture At BION


Breeding process of Panther chameleons (Furcifer pardalis) is an important part of Responsible Herpetoculture project at BION Terrarium Center. Since we received w.c. breeding stock from Madagascar in December 2019 it successfully passed all quarantine procedures (the proper article is published on soon) and initial acclimation. 

March 2020 was start of the breeding process. We closely monitor and control mating of individuals from the same locality only. First of all two Ankaramy females have already laid the first fertile clutches. So far we have pairs from Nosy Be, Ambanja, Ambilobe and Ankaramy localiies that mate successfully. We are waiting for good clutches in the nearest future. Stay with us to be informed about all news of our Furcifer pardalis project! 

Author: Petr Nečas