Chameleons In The Captivity

Author: Petr Nečas

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The Roots and Art of Fogging with Chameleon Academy

Fogging finds more and more fixed place in the chameleonoculture. Bill Strand interviews myself within three episodes of Chameleon Academy on the origins of this idea and implications to the day to day practice of naturalistic chameleonoculture…

Calumma parsonii Orange Eye

Hemipeneal Prolapse

Healing hemipeneal prolapse without VET assistance / light cases 

Chameleons in The Gardens

Chameleons in the gardens of the world... 

Outdoor Caging

Outdoor caging for chameleons within the philosophy of Naturalistic Chameleonoculture. Get inspired... 

Removal of Hemipeneal Plugs 

Chameleon Caging

Naturalistic Chameleonculture

The Mystery of UV Light 

Get a deep dive into the interaction of chameleons with the UV and get an idea how to design properly your UV lighting in captivity...  

Chameleons Are Extraordinaty, They Even Defecate Special Way

Force Feeding And Force Hydration in Chameleons 

Sometimes, We need to hydrate or feed our chameleon forcefully to save if its health or life. The attached video shows repeatedly how to do it gentle,quick, professional and harmless way, that can be performed with two hands only and one man or woman power. 

Hydration in Chameleons

The Health of Chameleon Eyes

Chameleon eyes health. Is a key to their life. Eye problems: how to disgnose them, how to heal them, how to prevent them.

Color of The Cage Wall for Chameleons

Respiratory Diseases in Chameleons

RI - The respirstory infections the most powerful and frequent killer disease of chameleons in captivity. 
It is mostly caused by wrong husbandry. 
Learn, how it is diagnosed, what are the reasons for it and how can you avoid it by proper care...

No Plastics in Naturalistic Chameleonoculture


The snout salt exspelled by chameleons from the salt gland in nostrils... 

How To Feed Chameleons Bee Pollen

Beware of Feeding Hornworms to Chameleons

Feeding hornworms to chameleons can be dangerous.
Jordan Sochor and Petr Nečas will explain you how it can happen and how to prevent it.

Safe Inspection of Hemipenes in Chameleons 

Force Feeding Or Hydrating Chameleons

Sometimes you need to force feed or force hydrate a chameleon. This is how to do...

Hemipeneal Plugs In Parson’s Chameleon

How to find, identify, remove and prevent them? 

Tongue Injuries In Chameleons

Tongue injury in chameleons will be much less frequent if people would not handfeed them.

Eye Cleaning Myth In Chameleons Eradicated 

Chameleon depend on their eyes. The Eye is their absolutely dominant sensory organ, taking part in securing the life of them as individuals and evolutionary lineage. In case some debris gets into the conjunctive sac through the tiny opening in the eyelids above the pupil, they developed a special strategy called "eye cleaning" that looks really odd, and when seen the very first time, people might panic and think there is something wrong with the eye: the eyeball can be seeming to have fallen out of the orbit, it is turned very strange way... in few seconds, the eye gets back to normal shape. Chameleons have been observed to do this quite frequently in captivity. The general tendency and pattern is, chameleons that are exposed to hydration methods using pressurized water seem to do it very frequently. The eye cleaning process can however be conducted also when no external water is present, so the presence of water is not crucial for executing it. 

How To Identify Dehydration In Chameleons?

Try the skin fold test! 

Hemipeneal Plug Safe And Non-invasive Removal

Chameleons possess two copulatory organs called hemipenes, situated in deep pockets at the tailbase. In captivity, they sometimes get some issues, this is why it is wise to check the pockets and the hemipenes from time to time. Theninspectionsstarts with turning the Chamaeleon belly up and pulling the skin of the tail base gently down to open the cloacal opening while making a gentle massage of the hemipeneal pocket. If you see a whitish substance appearing in the closcal
Fissurr, it is the hemipeneal plug - aggregated sheds and dead cells of the hemipenis. It is quite dangerous because it can become a substrate for growth of bacteria and fungi and can cause problems for the chameleon, which can lead to sterility or to the necessity to amputate the hemipenis. Therefore, it is necessary to remove this old plug.

Chameleon Bridge Across The Oceans

Discussion about chameleons and people.

Chameleon Tongue Punching

Chameleon tongue shooting

Chameleon "Birth"

A chameleon hatches from the egg

Chameleon Eggs Hatching Process

How to inspect a chameleon

Baby Chameleon Cage

Chameleon hatch assistance

Chameleon Strategy: Run-run-run!

Sexing Meller's Chameleon

Fat Storage And Obesity In Chameleons

An Autopsy Of Heavily Obese Captive Chameleon

Force Hydrating a Chameleon

Chameleon Fecal Parasites Visible

Oxyurids or Roundworms are frequent parasites of wild chameleons. In healthy and well fed specimens, they show very low pathogenicity and are therefore not necessary to treat as a rule, if their invasion is not massive. 

Chameleons Skinny To Obese

How to evaluate the nutritional status of a chameleon on an example of Chamaeleo calyptratus and how to solve obesity?  

Chameleon Care 101:
Gravid (Pregnant) Chameleons & What To Do