Dehydration And Eyes...


It is a common. Belief, that heavily dehydrated chameleons have eyes sunken in the eyeholes. 

And, this is TRUE! 


There is also a reverse belief, that if a chameleon has sunken eyes, it is dehydrated. And, this is FALSE in a vast majority of cases! Sunken eyes can be idication of stress, disease, mood, sleep, excitement etc etc. So, no need to heavily hydrate the chameleon if he has sunken eyes. 

First, look for other symptoms of dehydration, like: 

Lost skin elasticity. 

Prominent ribs, bones on extremities, vertebrae. Ober 60% of orange crystalline urates over the while ones. Dry mucous in the mouth. Dry and somewhat closed eyes. Lowered activity and mobility. Extreme light weight. Weakness.... And only if dehydration is clearly diagnosed, take Measures... 

On the picture: is it dehydrated or not? What is your guess?!  

Author: Petr Nečas