CYCLOPS CHAMELEON: One eyed Jackson's Chameleon born in captivity
Photos courtesy Guillermo Núñez (Instagram: Instagram @vidacamaleonica)

Guillermo Núñez: This is a Trioceros jacksonii xantholophus born 1 month or so ago in my house (written on 16th September 2024). He was born without an eye and with a strange jaw. At the moment he is still alive and seems to be leading a normal life although he is a little smaller than the rest. It was born from a clutch of 35 babies. Many people have told me that it is unusual for a female to live to have so many babies.
Petr Nečas: The number of babies is really unusually high for this species. The deformed baby has a chance to survive, if there are no other disabilities or lethal deformities. We will follow its destiny and keep the fingers crossed for the "cyclops baby".