Risks Of Too Many Eggs


I want here to be a devil's advocate...
I hate the races of whose female laid more eggs! Be not proud of it, It is a sign of inadequate and harmful care actually!

The number of eggs is strictly correlated with the amount of food you provide and temperatures which your animals are exposed to in the moment of conception. Normally, this happens through forced ovulation induced by mating. In chameleons, female start lay eggs even without an contact with a male and lay then infertile eggs.

The more food, the higher temperatures - the more eggs...

Every clutch is a very exhausting event and shortens the life expectancy. Moreover, it is always risky: even at best care they can die...

In the wild, the first clutch consists usually of 25-35 eggs, further one(s) rarely of more than 45 and this, only in huge females.

Clutch sizes over 50 eggs are a clear sigh of heavy overfeeding.

If you want your female to live a long and happy life, reaching up to 9years and not die as usual in the Vast majority of cases between 4-5 years maximum, please consider these tricks how to do:

1. Feed less!!! 2-3feeders every 2-3 days is ENOUGH for an adult Jemen Chameleon

2. Keep them cool (21-25'C max) at daytime with heat lamp available not full
Day but two times a day (early morning and afternoon) for 30minutes max

3. Provide night drops as low as under 10'C

4. Simulate even a wintertime with no basking light and low temperatures for at lest 3months...

5. Do not mist them or mist every other day lightly and never on their bodies but provide dipper for drinking and do nighttime fogging

6. Feed pollen

Of course, provide best-practice supplementation and UV and caging and water...

Author: Petr Nečas