Why Inbreeding Does Not Happen As a Rule In The Wild!?


People assume, sibling mating happens often the wild
The argumentation of low
mobility in chameleons and high number of offsprings is
misleading and happens completely different way than most people assume.

1. for evolutionary processes, it is extremely inconvenient to support sibling matings, as the heterozygocy reduces exponentially and one of the driving powers of the evolution: genomic diversity leading to adaptability is killed and low fitness and unviable young are produced.
So, Mother Nature has developed mechanisms, known best from humans but also from mammals and birds, that siblings of opposite sex can sense the "sameness" and refuse reproduction

2. The imagination that siblings will very likely meet after birth to mate is totally false.
A. They disperse in the environment from the moment of birth through the phenomen run-run-run pirposefully for
aa. Reduction of food competition
bb. Reduction of intraspecific aggression
cc. Disabling of sibling mating

B. In a healthy stable population,
An adult pair gives on average live at the end of all selection processes to only TWO sucessors!!! Otherwise, the population would grow, which it does not! The probability, that these two young will be a pair (male and female) is only 50% and modelling their way in the space makes the probability of them meeting almost nil.

The sibling mating can happen only under very specific conditions such as invading new territory, utilizing free niche etc., but happens as an exception of the rule not as a rule as such.

So, the argumentation of protagonists of brutal inbreeding that it is a harmless natural mechanism, is based on their non-understanding evolutionary processes and population biology in the wild is absolutely false, moreover it is very likely also twisted purposefully to pardon their inbreeding practices that they usually hysterically and aggressively (and deliberately falsely) deny.

Author: Petr Nečas